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These past few weeks we have been focusing on the significance of singing to a believers life. Today will be no different. Our focus will be on how singing makes war. Great warfare takes place when we sing. Who would have thought that singing could take down the assignment of the enemy!

In Colossians 3, Paul challenges the Colossians to literally put sin to death in their lives, to kill out sin. How did they do it? More importantly how do we as believers and followers of Jesus Christ do that? We are strongly encouraged by Paul to love, walk in peace and forgiveness, stay in teaching and SING! These are attitudes and habits that we need to grab hold of so we can kill out sin. Not only does it offer to us a reactive attitude but is equips us with a proactive attitude. Living a life of love,peace, forgiveness, staying teachable and SINGING are all important features to our arsenal in battling the enemy!

We see it again in Ephesians 5: 15 – 20 15 So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. 16 Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. 17 Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do. 18 Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit, 19 singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts. 20 And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Oh how this verse speaks to me in this time we are living in. It would be very easy to live life any way you choose right now,as we are currently living in a time of quarantine. Let this verse be an encouragement to you and provide much wisdom. When we songs unto the Lord, note where the location of these songs. We are to sing hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves. Sing songs to yourselves and make music to the Lord in your hearts! The objective of singing and making music is to keep us stirred up in our relationship with the Lord. It would be difficult to be swayed by the the enemy and his ploys if our hearts are focused on the Lord.

In this time we live in our lives can be full of distractions and discouragements. It would be easy to fall into the snare of the enemy and succumb to circumstances. Sounds rather negative and hopeless doesn’t it? But it’s not, God has given us the ability to fight out of these moments just by opening our mouths and allowing a song to be the greatest weapon in our arsenal. Remember, that Jesus song not only stirs your heart but can change your surroundings. (check out Paul and Silas). If we can open our mouths to speak the negative and faithless words, would it not be better to apply God’s word that bring healing, restoration, deliverance, freedom and victory in the battle!

Father, helps me to capture those moments of battle to wisely use our words to sing of your goodness. Thank you for reminding us that during those moments we can do warfare by the songs you have placed within us. Thank you for your word being true and that you are a faithful God. In Jesus Name it is only a ButGod moment.