Spiritual Inventory

Fasting is one of the most important things a believer and follower of Jesus Christ can do. It is an opportunity to take serious spiritual inventory of our soul (mind, will and emotion) and examine our spiritual fruitfulness. The more capacity we can create for God to occupy will put us into a place where our prayers are answered and we become free from the weight of our mindsets.

Psalm 35:13 tells us ” I put on sackcloth and humbled myself with fasting. When my prayers returned to me unanswered…”

John Calvin says, “Let us say something about fasting, because many, for want of knowing its usefulness, undervalue its necessity, and some reject it as almost superfluous; while, on the other hand where the use of it is not well understood, it easily degenerates into superstition. Holy and legitimate fasting is directed to three ends: for we practice it either as a restraint on the flesh, to preserve it from licentiousness, or as a preparation for prayers and pious meditations, or as a testimony of our humiliation in the presence of God when we are desirous of confessing our guilt before Him.”

Please pray: Father in heaven, through your probing eyes search my heart and reveal to me the areas of my life that are hindering fellowship with you. Expose those areas of my life that are interfering with my spiritual fruitfulness. Grant me the courage to face them with faith and confess them fully and humbly before you. Father, I want more of you and to fully used by you. Amen