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It has been some time since I have been able to share with you . Life happens . Time flies . Before you know it, a new year has arrived. With a year of great change behind us ,there has been a shift in culture and even in the church. While some changes were obvious, there was a change, a shift that took place in the “church”. It came in slowly, almost stealth-like, quietly. It was the quietness of Double Mindedness.

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. James 1:8

It is this scripture that keeps ringing in my ears. The subtlety of the enemy looks much like a snake weaving ever so quietly, lies and deception through our culture, society and our churches. Double mindedness can come in very quietly that you don’t even notice the world’s perspective is drowning out the voice of truth. James 1:8 paints a picture of our world today. When have we ever seen our world so unstable in so many ways. But let’s look at this scripture and how it applies to us as believers and followers of Jesus Christ.

Double mindedness is like the weed that grows only to choke out what gets in its path. Double mindedness to a follower steals, delays and removes what God desires to work out in our lives. Recently, events caused me to look at where I have allowed my thinking to take me. Admittingly, there has been some double mindedness in me. My perspective on some things became skewed with worry, fear and not completely trusting God. Double mindedness quietly strives to choke out God’s perfect truth. The Holy Spirit coming in, not always so quietly, to check myself. There were days the Holy Spirit would provide a *nudge * nudge* check yourself and days of **thump, thump** CHECK YOURSELF! The thoughts that we meditate on and the words that we speak are all significant to where we are going and what we want in our relationship with Christ. The culture and societal thinking today can come in overshadow what the Word says. We may even adopt some of this cultures mores, all the while believing they are just and true. Yet as time continues on, all of those things will shift yet again. But it is the Word that remains constant and true.

I don’t know about you, but I am believing God for BIG things. I know I will never get there with the thinking of this world attached to the truth of the Word. It doesn’t work . So if you are believing God for BIG things, take some time to ask the Holy Spirit to check you. Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal if there are areas of your life that you are double minded in . Be prepared for a nudge * nudge* or even a **thump, thump** from the Holy Spirit. You may wonder, “How do I know I am double minded?” You know your are double minded when the drum beat of this culture, society and world is what you live by, Is it what you are speaking out? Is it where you take your stand? Do you find yourself running to the latest TED talk and not the Word? As a believer, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the places where the quietness of double-mindedness has entered in. It may surprise you. Not only will He show you, but He will tell you how to get rid of it. Pray. Guard Your Heart. Pray. Renew your mind. Pray.

Father, show me the areas of my life where the quietness of double-mindedness has entered in. I thank you that the Holy Spirit will reveal all things. I trust while you reveal those things to me you are also showing me how to put a guard around my thinking. Thank you that through your Word I can take those thoughts captive and be free of it’s influences. Help me Holy Spirit to be more passionate about you and the Word, applying your truth to my life daily. Thank you for changing me, for renewing me and becoming single minded about you! I receive your correction. – In Jesus Name.