Prayer,the very thing that binds us in our relationship with our Father. It is the foundation to everything that we do in our lives. Prayer is the key to the life of a healthy church,too. Within our church we recently formed a team of individuals who believe in the power of prayer. This team’s mission is called, Pastors Prayer Partners. Their job is to not only pray for their pastors , but for the church. A church built upon prayer becomes a living organism that needs to be fed and nurtured where an atmosphere is created for multiplication. We multiply by making disciples. How do we make disciples? By reaching those around us with the truth of God’s Word, we will impact those who are looking for hope, truth, and a place to belong. How do we reach those around us? Prayer. Pray for those divine appointments. Allow the Holy Spirit to show you each day those who need encouragement, equipping and to experience a peace this world cannot begin to offer.

It is so important for a body of believers to come together in unity and prayer. When I say unity, I am speaking about unity in vision, in purpose and in mission, working together to achieve God’s purposes. This leads me to the point of this blog and future blogs. For the next ten weeks, my Tuesday blogs will be focused on prayers to pray for your church and your pastors. So let’s look at the first one……

#1 Pray for unity in the church.

Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. Matthew 18:19

Dear God,

We are so thankful for all that you have done for us. As believers and followers of Jesus Christ, we are are in need of your guidance, strength and power. Help us Lord to embrace and act in unity with the vision and mission of our church. We pray that each of us take that vision to build your Kingdom always knowing that it is about your will, not ours. While walking this out, we know there will be times where we will be uncomfortable to where you are taking us. Your Holy Spirit will always draw us to you ever growing our faith and trust. We need your wisdom and guidance. Thank you for the boldness of faith as together, we shall build your church, your Kingdom!

In Jesus’ name let it be done!